Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Masquerade Dance Party

The dance party was quite a success. It started out a bit languid; only two guest arrived timely at 8 p.m. There were solid forms of carbon dioxide(dry ice) and lots of fog to go around and about 10 o'clock a tidal wave of party goer's arrived. There were more people present that night than any other Hermann residence party.
There we're also several first for my parties....
  • I was given a CD and asked to spin it for the party. Someone thought enough to make a mix CD of horrible hip-pop and bring it to the party.
  • A complete loss of parking control. Even though Jorian was diligently policing a bottle of vodka, alcohol and lack of space eventually overwhelmed him and cars were lost and people forced to park their cars onto my lawn. Special thanks to Jorian for his valiant efforts.
  • African American Guests!
Thanks to everyone who came and brought friends.
Also a very Happy Birthday to Lily, we celebrated her birthday all evening as well.
See you all at the Christmas party.
Pictures can be seen here or here
Oh! Everyone should head to the DIA there is a lot of good new stuff up. Or they just moved everything around, either way it's bound to be a fantastic time.

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