Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Boys Love Mud

Tired, very tired.
Spent most of the week recuperating from tuesday's big "photo project due day."

Got my fill of male bonding for the year when my brother and his friends decided to go "off roading", (a clever name for beating the hell out of a vehicle with extraordinary tires.) and I tagged along for some photos.
I and five other gentlemen, frozen in the mud in some god awful recreational park north of Flint. (Who knew there was anything besides the Mackinaw bridge north of Flint?)
Sixhundred pictures and a minor case of frostbite later I do believe I'm better for the experience.

What did I learn shooting this weekend?
1. Make your own light, high ISO's suck for everything.
2. f/2.8 is not as sharp as f/8
3. Sharpness is a silly illusion nikon tricks us all into believing.
4. RAW is for wimps, so is JPG; shoot slides.

holy-moly ten days left.

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